jueves, 7 de junio de 2007

TALENTO + INSPIRING / teenage sensation Esmee Denters !!! :D

Dutch, teenage sensation Esmee Denters as taken full advantage of YouTube to become a popular webstar and land a recording contract with Justin Timberlake’s Tennman Records.

Denters gained notoriety with her covers of Beynce, Alanis Morrisette and Alicia Keys, and is now the first artist to be signed by Timberlake. With her own web cam, Denters uploaded about 59 video clips of herself and amassed over 21 million views. Included in her video collection is a rendition of Timberlake’s own “What Goes Around.” Denters is scheduled to release an album later this year, and starting this summer, she will embark on a tour with Timberlake in Europe, including stops in Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen.

Other Internet stars, some of which have gone mainstream, include LG15, Kate Modern, The Lonely Island and Little Loca.

1 comentario:

Eternal Holidays dijo...

He leido sobre la historia, la repercusion mediatica en todo el mundo, la cantidad de entrevistas y sites...programas de tv que se hacen eco de esto, da la vuelta al mundo... se me pone la carne de gallina, es una puta realidad, youtube esta tangibilizando lo que ya esta siendo una verdadera revolucion de lo que la gente ve y de como la industria tiene que adaptarse a este new entertainment